New arrival November 4 to 10, 2019 /cgi-bin/koha/ RSS feed for public list New arrival November 4 to 10, 2019 Astronomical polarisation from the infrared to gamma rays /cgi-bin/koha/ Chemical process design and simulation by Haydary, Juma /cgi-bin/koha/ Chemical thermodynamics for process simulation [2nd rev. ed.] /cgi-bin/koha/ Classical mechanics in geophysical fluid dynamics by Morita, Osamu /cgi-bin/koha/ Coastal ocean observing by Corredor, Jorge E. /cgi-bin/koha/ Concepts of modern catalysis and kinetics [3rd rev. ed.] by Chorkendorff, I. /cgi-bin/koha/ Design technology of synthetic aperture radar by Lu, Jiaguo /cgi-bin/koha/ Electrodynamics and optics by Demtroder, Wolfgang /cgi-bin/koha/ Financial econometrics by Linton, Oliver /cgi-bin/koha/ Geodynamics and earth tides observations from global to micro scale /cgi-bin/koha/ Indian philosophy in english /cgi-bin/koha/ Instability in geophysical flows by Smyth, William D. /cgi-bin/koha/ Introducing the stars by Beech, Martin /cgi-bin/koha/ Introduction to numerical geodynamic modelling [2nd ed.] by Gerya, Taras /cgi-bin/koha/ Introductory econometrics for finance [4th ed.] by Brooks, Chris /cgi-bin/koha/ Keating construction dispute resolution handbook [3rd ed.] /cgi-bin/koha/ Kinetics of metallurgical processes by Ray, Hem Shanker /cgi-bin/koha/ Money, social ontology and law by Condello, Angela /cgi-bin/koha/ Nanoscale semiconductor lasers /cgi-bin/koha/ Numerical methods and optimization in finance [2nd ed.] by Gilli, Manfred /cgi-bin/koha/ Nutritional and therapeutic interventions for diabetes and metabolic syndrome [2nd ed.] /cgi-bin/koha/ Oceanic internal tides by Morozov, Eugene G. /cgi-bin/koha/ Oxide thermoelectric materials by Lin, Yuan-Hua /cgi-bin/koha/ Petroleum rock mechanics [2nd ed.] by Aadnoy, Bernt S. /cgi-bin/koha/ Planetary geoscience /cgi-bin/koha/ Plasticity-damage couplings by Cazacu, Oana /cgi-bin/koha/ Power electronics in renewable energy systems and smart grid /cgi-bin/koha/ Probability in physics by Lawrence, Andy /cgi-bin/koha/ Quantum inspired meta-heuristics for image analysis by Dey, Sandip /cgi-bin/koha/ Size effects in plasticity by Voyiadjis, George Z. /cgi-bin/koha/ Soils of the past [3rd ed.] by Retallack, Gregory J. /cgi-bin/koha/ Spectroscopy and dynamics of single molecules /cgi-bin/koha/ Technology and creativity /cgi-bin/koha/ The shape and size of the earth by Boccaletti, Dino /cgi-bin/koha/ Tsunami generation and propagation by Saito, Tatsuhiko /cgi-bin/koha/ Understanding Gaia by Bernardi, Gabriella /cgi-bin/koha/ Vibration of continuous systems [2nd ed.] by Rao, Singiresu S. /cgi-bin/koha/ Why Art Photography? [2nd ed.] by Soutter, Lucy /cgi-bin/koha/ Wind turbines and aerodynamics energy harvesters /cgi-bin/koha/ Yet another introduction to dark matter by Bauer, Martin /cgi-bin/koha/