Emerging Optical Network Technologies
: Architectures, Protocols and Performance /
: [electronic resource] :
by Sivalingam, Krishna M [editor.] | Subramaniam, Suresh [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XVIII, 454 p. online resource.Publisher: Boston, MA : Springer US, 2005.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Optical Communication Theory and Techniques
: [electronic resource] /
by Forestieri, Enrico [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XII, 216 p. online resource.Publisher: Boston, MA : Springer US, 2005.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Optical Networks and Technologies
: IFIP TC6 / WG6.10 First Optical Networks & Technologies Conference (OpNeTec), October 18–20, 2004, Pisa, Italy /
: [electronic resource] :
by Kitayama, Ken-Ichi [editor.] | Masetti-Placci, Francesco [editor.] | Prati, Giancarlo [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XX, 610 p. online resource.Publisher: Boston, MA : Springer US, 2005.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Optical Data Storage
: Phase-Change Media and Recording /
: [electronic resource] :
by Meinders, Erwin R [author.] | Mijiritskii, Andrei V [author.] | Pieterson, Liesbeth van [author.] | Wuttig, Matthias [author.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: VIII, 174 p. online resource.Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2006.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Hexagonal Image Processing
: A Practical Approach /
: [electronic resource] :
by Middleton, Lee [author.] | Sivaswamy, Jayanthi [author.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XIII, 254 p. online resource.Publisher: London : Springer London, 2005.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
The Essence of Dielectric Waveguides
: [electronic resource] /
by Yeh, C [author.] | Shimabukuro, F. I [author.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XVI, 522 p. online resource.Publisher: Boston, MA : Springer US, 2008.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Light, Water, Hydrogen
: The Solar Generation of Hydrogen by Water Photoelectrolysis /
: [electronic resource] :
by Grimes, Craig A [editor.] | Varghese, Oomman K [editor.] | Ranjan, Sudhir [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XXII, 546 p. online resource.Publisher: Boston, MA : Springer US, 2008.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Next Generation Intelligent Optical Networks
: From Access to Backbone /
: [electronic resource] :
by Kartalopoulos, Stamatios V [author.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XVIII, 284 p. online resource.Publisher: Boston, MA : Springer US, 2008.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Proceedings of Light-Activated Tissue Regeneration and Therapy Conference
: [electronic resource] /
by Waynant, Ronald [editor.] | Tata, Darrell B [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XXXIV, 443 p. online resource.Publisher: Boston, MA : Springer US, 2008.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Error Correction Codes for Non-Volatile Memories
: [electronic resource] /
by Micheloni, R [author.] | Marelli, A [author.] | Ravasio, R [author.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XII, 338 p. online resource.Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2008.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Next-Generation FTTH Passive Optical Networks
: Research Towards Unlimited Bandwidth Access /
: [electronic resource] :
by Prat, Josep [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XLII, 188 p. online resource.Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2008.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Three-Dimensional Television
: Capture, Transmission, Display /
: [electronic resource] :
by Ozaktas, Haldun M [editor.] | Onural, Levent [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XVIII, 630 p. online resource.Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
POF Handbook
: Optical Short Range Transmission Systems /
: [electronic resource] :
by Ziemann, Olaf [author.] | Krauser, J�rgen [author.1 ] | Zamzow, Peter E [author.1 ] | Daum, Werner [author.2 ] | SpringerLink (Online service)0. Edition: Second edition. Source: Springer eBooks08Material type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XXX, 884 p. online resource.Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008. Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Basic Principles of Fresnel Antenna Arrays
: [electronic resource] /
by Minin, Igor V [author.] | Minin, Oleg V [author.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XVIII, 199 p. online resource.Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Advances in Electromagnetic Fields in Living Systems
: [electronic resource] /
by Lin, James C [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XVIII, 228 p. online resource.Publisher: Boston, MA : Springer US, 2005.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
3-D Shape Estimation and Image Restoration
: Exploiting Defocus and Motion Blur /
: [electronic resource] :
by Favaro, Paolo [author.] | Soatto, Stefano [author.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XIV, 249 p. online resource.Publisher: London : Springer London, 2007.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Dissemination of Information in Optical Networks
: From Technology to Algorithms In Cooperation with Ralf Klasing /
: [electronic resource] :
by Bandyopadhyay, Subir [author.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XII, 310 p. online resource.Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.Other title: In Cooperation with Ralf Klasing.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Remote sensing of aquatic coastal ecosystem processes
: [electronic resource] /
by RICHARDSON, LAURIE L [editor.] | LeDREW, ELLSWORTH F [editor.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XVII, 324 p. online resource.Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2006.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Cloud Optics
: [electronic resource] /
by Kokhanovsky, Alexander A [author.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XII, 276 p. online resource.Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2006.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Radar interferometry
: Persistent Scatterer Technique /
: [electronic resource] :
by Kampes, Bert M [author.] | SpringerLink (Online service). Source: Springer eBooksMaterial type: Book; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: XXI, 211 p. online resource.Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2006.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).