The excitation and propagation of elastic waves
by Hudson, J. A. Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: viii, 224p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1980Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 531.33 H867e] (1).
Sources of Gravitational Radiation
: proceeding...
by Smarr, Larry L. [ed .]. Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: xiii 505p.Publisher: London Cambridge university press Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 531.14 w892s] (1).
The formation and evolution of cosmic strings
: proceedings of a workshop supported by the SERC and held in Cambridge, 3-7, 1989
by The formation and evolution of cosmic strings Cambridge 3-7 July, 1989 | Gibbons, G. W. [ed.] | Hawing, S. W. [ed.] | Vachaspati, T. [ed.]. Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: xi, 542p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1990Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 539.72 F765] (1).
Journal of child language Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: 162.Publisher: Chicago Cambridge University Press 1974Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Gas turbines
: internal flow systems modeling
by Sultanian, Bijay K. Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
not fiction
Description: xviii, 356p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 621.433 Su59g] (1).
Computational Geometry in C [2nd ed.] [Perpetual access]
by O'Rourke, Joseph. Edition: 2nd ed. Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2012Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur (1).
Heuristics and biases
: the psychology of intuitive judgment
by Gilovich, Thomas [ed.] | Griffin, Dale [ed.] | Kahneman, Daniel [ed.]. Description: xvi, 857p.Publisher: New York Cambridge University Press 2002Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 153.4 H484] (1).
Introduction to functional magnetic resonance imaging [2nd ed.]
: principles and techniques
by Buxton, Richard B. Edition: 2nd ed. Description: xi, 457p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2009Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 616.047548 B986i2] (1).
Data-driven computational neuroscience
: machine learning and statistical models
by Bielza, Concha | Larranaga, Pedro. Description: xviii, 689p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2021Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 612.8 B476d] (1).
Neuromorphic and brain-based robots
by Krichmar, Jeffrey L. [ed.] | Wagatsuma, Hiroaki [ed.]. Description: ix, 364p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2011Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 006.32 N398] (1).
Human-robot interaction
: an introduction
by Bartneck, Christoph | Belpaeme, Tony | Eyssel, Friederike | Kanda, Takayuki | Keijsers, Merel | Sabanovic, Selma. Description: ix, 252p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2020Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 629.8924019 H88] (1).
Intermediate solid mechanics
by Lubarda, Marko V | Lubarda, Vlado A. Description: xiii, 485p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2020Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 531 L96i] (1).
Finite elements for engineers with Ansys applications
by Gadala, Mohamed S. Description: xv, 613p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2021Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 620.00151825 G116f] (1).
Introduction to the finite element method and implementation with MATLAB
by Li Gang. Description: xiii, 509p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2021Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 620.00151825 L612i] (1).
Essentials of pattern recognition
: an accessible approach
by Wu, Jianxin. Description: xv, 384p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2021Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 006.4 W95e] (1).
Spatial analysis methods and practice
: describe-explore-explain through GIS
by Grekousis, George. Description: xv, 518p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2020Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 910.285 G863s] (1).
Advanced wireless transmission technologies
: analysis and design
by Yang, Hong-Chuan | Alouini, Mohamed-Slim. Description: xvi, 409p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2020Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 621.384 Y16a] (1).
Solid state materials chemistry
by Woodward, Patrick M | Karen, Pavel | Evans, John S. O | Vogt, Thomas. Description: xix, 687p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2021Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 541.0421 So44] (1).
Statistical inference as severe testing
: how to get beyond the statistics wars
by Mayo, Deborah G. Description: xvi, 486p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2018Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 519.54 M454s] (1).
Bayesian cognitive modeling
: a practical course
by Lee, Michael D | Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan. Description: xiii, 264p.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2013Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 153.01519542 L514b] (1).