Hyperelasticity primer [2nd ed.]
by Hackett, Robert M. Edition: 2nd ed. Description: xix, 186p.Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2018Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 620.1 H115h2] (1).
Technical thermodynamics for engineers
: basics and applications
by Schmidt, Achim. Description: xxxvi, 813p.Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2019Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 621.4021 Sch52t] (1).
Eigenvalue and eigenvector problems in applied mechanics
by Vlase, Sorin | Marin, Marin | Ochsner, Andreas. Description: x, 256p.Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2019Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 512.9436 V845e] (1).
Topology and condensed matter physics
by Bhattacharjee, Somendra Mohan [ed.] | Mj, Mahan [ed.] | Bandyopadhyay, Abhijit [ed.]. Description: xxviii, 507p.Publisher: Singapore Springer 2017Availability: No items available Checked out (1).
The quantum mechanics conundrum
: interpretation and foundations
by Auletta, Gennaro. Description: xxvi, 863p.Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2019Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 530.12 Au51q] (1).
The shape and size of the earth
: a historical journey from homer to artificial satellites
by Boccaletti, Dino. Description: xv, 193p.Publisher: Switerland Springer 2019Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 525.1 B63s] (1).
Coastal ocean observing
: platforms, sensors and systems
by Corredor, Jorge E. Description: xiii, 159p.Publisher: Switerland Springer 2018Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 551.46 C817c] (1).
Geodynamics and earth tides observations from global to micro scale
by Braitenberg, Carla [ed.] | Rossi, Giuliana [ed.]. Description: vii, 329p.Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2019Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 551.1 G29] (1).
Tsunami generation and propagation
by Saito, Tatsuhiko. Description: ix, 265p.Publisher: Japan Springer 2019Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 551.4637 Sa28t] (1).
Oceanic internal tides
: observations, analysis and modeling: a global view
by Morozov, Eugene G. Description: xxi, 304p.Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2018Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 551.46 M829o] (1).
Probability in physics
: an introductory guide
by Lawrence, Andy. Description: xxiv, 347p.Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2019Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 519.2 L43p] (1).
Yet another introduction to dark matter
: the particle physics approach
by Bauer, Martin | Plehn, Tilman. Description: x, 180p.Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2019Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 539.72 B326y] (1).
Astronomical polarisation from the infrared to gamma rays
by Mignani, Roberto [ed.] | Shearer, Andrew [ed.] | Słowikowska, Agnieszka [ed.] | Zane, Silvia [ed.]. Description: xxi, 393p.Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2019Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 535 As89] (1).
Introducing the stars
: formation, structure and evolution
by Beech, Martin. Description: xiv, 262p.Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2019Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 523.8 B391i] (1).
Understanding Gaia
: a mission to map the galaxy
by Bernardi, Gabriella | Vecchiato, Alberto. Description: xvii, 158p.Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2019Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 520 B456u] (1).
Electrodynamics and optics
by Demtroder, Wolfgang. Description: xii, 449p.Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2019Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 537 D399e] (1).
Kinetics of metallurgical processes
by Ray, Hem Shanker | Saradindukumar, Ray. Description: xxxv, 455p.Publisher: Singapore Springer 2018Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 669 R212k] (1).
Boundary value problems for engineers
: with MATLAB solutions
by Keskin, Ali Umit. Description: xv, 517p.Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2019Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 620.00151 K481b] (1).
Linear and non-linear mechanical behavior of solid materials
by Lexcellent, Christian. Description: xv, 259p.Publisher: Switzerland Springer 2018Availability: No items available Checked out (1).
Multiscale mechanobiology in tissue engineering
by Lacroix, Damien | Brunelli, Marzia | Perrault, Cecile | Baldit, Adrien | Shariatzadeh, Maryam | Marin, Ana Campos | Castro, Andre | Barreto, Sara. Description: xiii, 203p.Publisher: Singapore Springer 2019Availability: Items available for loan: PK Kelkar Library, IIT Kanpur [Call number: 612.028 M919] (1).