547.59 / J824h5
Joule, J. A.
       Heterocyclic chemistry [5th ed.] / John A. Joule and Keith Mills .- 5th ed. .- Chichester: John Wiley, 2010 .- xxviii, 689p.
ISBN: 9781405133005
Subject Headings:
Heterocyclic chemistry;
Organometallic heterocyclic chemistry;
Heterocycles in medicine;
Heterocycles in biochemistry;
Heterocyclic natural products;
Heterocyclic fluorine compounds;
Isotopically labeled heterocycles;
Modern techniques of solid -- phase chemistry;
Microwave heating and flow reactors;
Author Added Entry:
Mills, Keith;
Copy Details:
Acc. No.: A186799, Full Call No.: 547.59 J824h5, Item type: Books , Location: On Display,
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