515.7222 / B439s
Bennewitz, Christer
Spectral and scattering theory for ordinary differential equations [Vol.1] : Sturm-Liouville equations
/ Christer Bennewitz, Malcolm Brown and Rudi Weikard
.- Switzerland: Springer, 2020
.- ix, 379p.
.- ( Universitext
** / edited by Sheldon Axler ...[et al.] )
ISBN: 9783030590871
Subject Headings:
Functions, Special;
Mathematical analysis;
Operator theory;
Author Added Entry:
Brown, Malcolm;
Weikard, Rudi;
Copy Details:
Acc. No.: A186662, Full Call No.: 515.7222 B439s, Item type: Books , Location: General Stacks, v.1
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