681.4028 / Op7
Malacara, Daniel
OPTICAL SHOP TESTING / .- New York: John Wiley, 1978 .- xix,523 . .- ( Wiley Series In Pure And Applied Optics
Includes Bibliography
Subject Headings:
Optical Measurements;
Copy Details:
Acc. No.: A56081, Full Call No.: 681.4028 Op7, Item type: Books , Location: COMPACT STORAGE (BASEMENT),
------------------------- --------------------- ------ --------- ------- ------- --------- --------
Malacara, Daniel
OPTICAL SHOP TESTING / .- New York: John Wiley, 1978 .- xix,523 . .- ( Wiley Series In Pure And Applied Optics
Includes Bibliography
Subject Headings:
Optical Measurements;
Copy Details:
Acc. No.: A56081, Full Call No.: 681.4028 Op7, Item type: Books , Location: COMPACT STORAGE (BASEMENT),
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